Информация о авторе Библиотека сайта Журнал Ссылки

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Paxton 1993 - PaxtonF.S. Power and the Power to Heal: The Cult of St Sigismund of Burgundy// Early Medieval Europe. 1993. Vol. 2. P. 95-110.


Peeters 1914 — PeetersP. La Canonisation des Saints dans TEglise Russe // Analecta Bollandiana. 1914. T. 33. P. 380-420.

Perkowski 1989 — PerkowskiJ. L. The Darkling: A Treatise on Slavic Vampirism. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 1989.

Perrie 1989 — PerrieM. Folklore as Evidence of Peasant Mentalite: Social Attitudes and Values in Russian Popular Culture // Russian Review. Vol. 48. №2.1989. P. 119-143.

Petersen 1983 — Petersen J. M. Dead or Alive? The Holy Man As Healer in East and West in the Late Sixth Century //Journal of Medieval History. 1983. Vol. 9. P. 91-98.

Petroff 1957 — PetroffL. Magical Beliefs and Practices in Old Bulgaria// Midwest Folklore. 1957 (Winter). V. 7. № 4. P. 214-220.

Phillips 1997 — Phillips Laura L. Message in a Bottle: Working-Class Culture and the Struggle for Revolutionary Legitimacy, 1900-1929// Russian Review.1997 Can.). V. 56. № 1. P. 25-43.

Picchio 1973 — PicchioR. Models and Patterns in the Literary Tradition of Medieval Orthodox Slavdom // American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists / Ed. by V. Terras. The Hague, 1973. Vol. 2. P. 439-467.

Picchio 1979-1980 — Picchio R. The Slavonic and Latino-Germanic Background to the Novgorod Texts on Birch Bark // Eucharisterion: Essays Presented to Omelyan Pritsak Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 1979-1980. V.3/4. Pt.2. P. 650-661.

Popular Belief 1972 — Popular Belief and Practice / Ed. G.J. Cuming and Derek Baker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

Pouncy 1994 — Pouncy C.J. The Domostroi: Rules for Russian Households in the Time of Ivan the Terrible. Ithaca, 1994.

Prestel 1991 — PrestelD. K. Medicine of Religion: The Perils of Hagiography as Historical Source // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. 1991. Vol. 25. P. 43-51.

Pushkareva 1997 — Pushkareva N. Women in Russian History / Ed. and trans. Eve Levin. Armonk, N. Y., 1997.

Ramer 1978 — Ramer Samuel C. Childbirth and Culture: Midwifery in the Nineteenth-Century Russian Countryside// The Family in Imperial Russia: New Lines of Historical Research/ Ed. by David L. Ransel. Urbana, III, 1978. P. 218-235.

Rialand 1989 — Rialand Marie-Rose. EAlcool et les Russes. Paris, 1989.

Rowland 1990 — RowlandD. Did Muscovite Literary Ideology Place Limits on the Power of the Tsar (1540-1660s)?// Russian Review. Vol. 49. Mb 2. April 1990.

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