Информация о авторе Библиотека сайта Журнал Ссылки

Предыдущая Следующая

Meyendorff 1991 — MeyendorffP. Russia, Ritual and Reform: the Liturgical Reforms of Nikon in the 17th Century. Crestwood, NY; 1991.


Принятые сокращения

Michels 1992 — Michels G. The Solovki Uprising: Religion and Revolt in Nothern Russia// Russian Review. 1992. Vol. 51. P. 1-15.

Miller 1985 — Miller T. S. The Birth of the Hospital in the Byzantine Empire. Baltimore, 1985.

Moody 1992 — Moody D.B. Healing Power in the Marian Miracle Books of Bavarian Healing Shrines, 1489-1523 A. D. // The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. 1992. Vol. 47. P. 68-90.

Morris 1972 — Morris C. A Critique of Popular Religion: Guibert of Nogent on «The Relics of the Saints» // Popular Belief and Practice / Ed. G.J. Cuming and Derek Baker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

Muhle 1994 — MuhleE. Commerce and Pragmatic Literacy// Medieval Russian Culture /Ed. by M. S. Flier and D. Rowland. Berkeley, 1994. P. 75-92.

Muchembled 1979 — MuchembledR. The Witches of the Cambresis: The Acculturation of the Rural World in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries // Religion and the People, 800-1700/ Ed. James Obelkovich. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979.

Nilles 1971 — NillesN. Kalendarium Manuale utrusque ecclesiae orientalis et occidentalis. London, 1971. Vol. 2.

Novakovic 1877 — NovakovicS. Zivot sv. Petke od patrijarha bulgarskoga Jeftimija// Starine. Zagreb, 1877. T. 9. S. 48-59.

Obelkovich 1979 — Obelkovich J. Introduction // Religion and the People, 800-1700 / Ed. James Obelkovich. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. P. 3-7.

Obolensky 1975 — ObolenskyD. Popular Religion in Medieval Russia// The Religious World of Russian Culture [Vol. 2. Russia and Orthodoxy.] / Ed. Andrew Blane. The Hague: Mouton, 1975. P. 43-54.

Onasch 1978 — OnaschK. Paraskeva-Studien// Ostkirchliche Studien. 1978. Bd.6.S. 121-141.

O'Neil 1987 — O'NeilM. Magical Healing, Love Magic, and the Inquisition in Late Sixteenth Century Modena // Inquisition and Society in Tarly Modern Europe / Ed. by S. Haliczer. London, 1987. P. 88-114.

Orthodox Russia 2003 — Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice under the Tsars / Ed. by Valerie A. Kivelson and Robert H. Greene. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.

Oxford English Dictionary 1979 — Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.

Palmer 1982 — PalmerR. The Church, Leprosy and Plague in Medieval and Early Modern Europe// The Church and Healing/ Ed. by W.J.Sheils. Oxford, 1982. P. 79-99.

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