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Lind 1990 — hind John E. The Martyria of Odense and a Twelfth-Century Russian Prayer: The Question of Bohemian Influence on Russian Religioues Literature // Slavonic and East European Review. 1990. V. 68. № 1 (January). P. 422-444.

Lotman, Uspensky 1985 — LotmanJu.M., Uspensky B.A. Binary Models in the Dynamics of Russian Culture (to the End of the Eighteenth Century) // The Semiotics of Russian Cultural History / Ed. Alexander D. Nakhimovsky and Alice Stone Nakhimovsky. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1985.

Lunt 1974 — LuntH. G. Old Church Slavonic Grammar. The Hague, 1974.

MacDonald 1982 — MacDoncdd M. Religion, Social Change and Psychological Healing in England, 1600-1800// The Church and Healing/ Ed. by W.J. Sheils. Oxford, 1982. P. 101-125.

Maczko 1975 — MaczkoS. Boris and Gleb: Saintly Princes or Princely Saints? // Russian History. Vol. 2. № 1.1975. P. 68-80.

Mann 1994 — Mann J. Murder, Magic and Medicine. Oxford, 1994.

Manselli 1975 — ManselliR. La religion populaire au moyen âge: Problèmes de méthode et dTiistoire. Montreal: Institut d'Etudes Médiévales, 1975.

Mansikka 1909 — Mansikka V.J. Ûber russische Zauberformeln. Helsinki, 1909 (Annales Academiae Acientiarum Fennicae. Ser. B. T. 1).

Marker 1989 — Marker G. Primers and Literacy in Muscovy: A Taxonomic Investigation// Russian Review. 1989. V. 48. № 1 (January). P. 1-20.

Martinov 1863 — Martinovl. Annus Ecclesiasticus Graeco-Slavicus. Brussels, 1863.

Martynova 1978 — MartynovaA. Life of the Pre-Revolutionary Village as Reflected in Popular Lullabies // The Family in Imperial Russia: New Lines of Historical Research/ Ed. by David L. Ransel. Urbana, 111., 1978. P. 171 -185.

Mathiesen 1995 — MathiesenR. Magic in Slavia Orthodoxa: The Written Tradition//Byzantine Magic/Ed. by H.Maguire. Washington, 1995. P. 155-177.

Matossian 1973— Matossian M. K. «In the Beginning, God was a Woman» // Journal of Social History. 1973. V. 6. № 3. P. 325-343.

McKee 1998 - McKee W.Arthur. Sobering Up the Soul of the People: The Politics of Popular Temperance in Late Imperial Russia// Russian Review. 1998. V. 58. Mb 2. P. 212-233.

McLaughlin 1994 — McLaughlin M. Consorting with Saints: Prayer for the Dead in Early Medieval France. Ithaca, 1994.

Mesnil, Popova 1993 — MesnilM., PopovaA. Demone et Chrietienne: Sainte Vendredi // Revue des études Slaves. Paris, 1993. T. 65. № 4. P. 743-762.

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