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Krukones 1991 — KrukonesJ.H. Satan's Blood, Tsar's Ink: Rural Alcoholism in an Official «Publication for the People» // Russian History. 1991. Vol. 18. №4. P. 435-456.

Lenhoff 1989 — Lenhoff G. The Martyred Princes Boris and Gleb: A Socio-Cul-tural Study of the Cult and the Texts. Columbus, Ohio: Slavica, 1989.

Lenhoff 1993 — Lenhoff G. The Notion of 'Uncorrupted Relics' in Early Russian Culture // Christianity and the Eastern Slavs. Vol. I: Slavic Cultures in the Middle Ages / Ed. by B. Gasparov and O. Raevsky-Hughes. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. P. 252-275 (California Slavic Studies; Vol. 16).

Levin 1986 — Levin E. Infanticide in Pre-Petrine Russia //Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas. 1986. Bd 34. S. 215-224.

Levin 1989 — Levin E. Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700. Ithaca, 1989. [Частичный перевод: Ева Левина. Секс и обще-ствовмиреправославныхславян900-1700(Пер.сангл.В. В. Львова) // «А се грехи злые, смертные...» Любовь, эротика и сексуальная этика в доиндустриальной России. М., 1999. С. 239-491.]

Levin 1991а — LevinЕ. Dvoeverie and Popular Religion// Seeking God: The Recovery of Religious Identity in Orthodox Russia, Ukraine and Georgia / Ed. by S. K. DeKalb, 1991. P. 31-52 <наст. изд. С. ll-37>.

Levin 1991b — Levin E. Childbirth in Medieval Russia // Russia's Women: Accommodation, Resistance, Transformation / Ed. by В. E. Clements, B. A. Engel, С. D.Worobec. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1991. P. 44-59 <наст. изд. С. 62-83>.

Levin 1997a — Levin E. Supplicatory Prayers as a Source for Popular Religious Culture in Muscovite Russia// Religion and Culture in Early Modern Russia and Ukraine / Ed. by S. H. Baron and N. S. Kollmann. Nothern Illinois University Press, 1997. P. 96-114 <наст. изд. с. 84-109>.

Levin 1997b — Levin E. Lay Religious Identity in Medieval Russia: The Evidence of Novgorod Birchbark Documents // General Linguistics. 1997. V. 35. № 1-4. P. 131-155 <наст. изд. С. 38-61>.

Levin 2003 — Levin E. From Corpse to Cult // Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice under the Tsars, ed. Valerie A. Kivelson and Robert H. Greene University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. P. 81-103 <наст. изд. С. 162—190>.

Levin, forthcoming — Levin E. False Miracles and Unattested Dead Bodies: Investigations into Popular Cults in Early-Modern Russia// Official Religion and Lived Religion in the Early Modern World / Ed. by J. Tracy. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

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