Информация о авторе Библиотека сайта Журнал Ссылки

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Russell 1972 - RussellJ. В. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1972. [Рус. пер.: Рассел Д. Б. Колдовство и ведьмы в Средние века. СПб., 2001.]

Scarborough 1985 — Symposium on Byzantine Medicine / Ed. by J. Scarborough. Washington, 1985 (Dumbarton Oaks Papers; Vol. 38).

Segal 1987 — Segal Boris M. Russian Drinking: Use and Abuse of Alcohol in Pre-Revolutionary Russia. New Brunswick, 1987.

Segal 1991 — Segal Boris M. The Drunken Society: Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in the Soviet Union. A Comparative Study. New York, 1990.

Sharenoff 1927 — Sharenoff Victor N. A Study of Manichaeism in Bulgaria with Special Reference to the Bogomils. Ph. D. diss., Columbia University, 1927.

Shevzov 1996 — Shevzov V. Chapels and the Ecclesial World of Prerevolutionary Russian Peasants//Slavic Review. 1996. Vol. 55. №3 (Fall). P. 585-613.

Shevzov 2000 — Shevzov V. Icons, Miracles, and the Ecclesial Identity of Laity in Late Imperial Russian Orthodoxy // Church History. 2000. Vol. 69. № 3 (September). P. 610-631.

Shlapentokh 1991 — Shlapentokh D. Drunkenness and Anarchy in Russia: A case of Political Culture // Russian History. 1991. V. 18. № 4. P. 457-500.

Sigal 1985 — SigalP.-A. LHomme et le Miracle dans la France Médiévale (Xle-XHe siècle). Paris, 1985.

Siraisi 1990 — SiraisiN G. Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine: An Introduction of Knowledge and Practice. Chicago, 1990.

Small wood 1989 — SmallwoodT.M. God Was Born in Bethlehem': The Tradition of a Middle English Charm// Medium Aevum. 1989. V.58.№ 2. P. 206-223.

Smith, Christian 1984 — Smith R. E. F., Christian David. Bread and Salt: A Social and Economic History of Food and Drink in Russia. Cambridge, Eng., 1984.

Snow 1987 — Snow G. Perceptions of the Link Between Alcoholism and Crime in Pre-Revolutionary Russia // Criminal Justice History. 1987. V. 68. P. 37-51.

Solomon 1989 — Solomon S. David and Goliath in Soviet Public Health: the Rivalry of Social Hygenists and Psychiatrists for Authority over the Bytovoi Alcoholic // Soviet Studies. 1989. V. 41. № 2. P. 254-275.

Sournia 1990 — SourniaJ.-C. A History of Alcoholism. Oxford, 1990.

Strotmann 1959 — Strotmann D. T. Quelques aperçus historiques sur le culte mariai en Russie // Irenikon. 1959. T. 32. P. 178-202.

Struys 1684 — The Voyages and Travels of John Struys. London, 1684 [рус. перевод: СтрейсЯ. Три путешествия. М., 1935].

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