Информация о авторе Библиотека сайта Журнал Ссылки

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Принятые сокращения

Brown 1981 - Brown P. The Cult of the Saints. Chicago, 1981.

Brundage 1987 — BrundageJames A. Law, Sex and Christian Society in Medieval Europe. Chicago, 1987.

Burke 1978 — Burke P. Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe. London, 1978.

Bushkovitch 1975 — Bushkovitch P. Urban Ideology in Medieval Novgorod: An Iconographic Approach // Cahiers du monde russe et sovetique. 1975. № 1. P. 19-26.

Bushkovitch 1992 — Bushkovitch P. Religion and Society in Russia: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. New York, 1992.

Cameron 1992 — Cameron M. L. The Visions of Saints Anthony and Guthlac // Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture / Ed. by S. Campbell, B. Hall and D. Klausner. New York, 1992. P. 152-158.

Cherniavsky 1961 — Cherniavsky M. Tsar and People. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.

Cohn 1961 — CohnN. The Pursuit of the Millenium. New York: Harper Torch-books, 1961.

Conrad 1987 — ConradJ. L. Bulgarian Magic Charms: Ritual, Form, and Content // Slavic and East European Journal. 1987 (Winter). V. 31. № 4. P. 548-562.

Conrad 1989 — ConradJ. L. Russian Ritual Incantations: Tradition, Diversity, and Continuity//Slavicand East European Journal. 1989. V.33.№3.P. 422-444.

Christian 1981 — Christian W. A. Local Religion in Sixteenth-Century Spain. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.

Christian 1989 — Christian W.A. Person and God in a Spanish Valley. Princetoa* Princeton University Press, 1989.

Crummey 1970 — Crummey R. 0. The Old Believers and the World of Antichrist. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970.

Davis 1965 — Davis N.Z. Society and Culture in Early Modern France. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1965.

Davis 1974 —Davis N. Z. Some Tasks and Themes in the Study of Popular Religion // The Pursuit of Holiness in Late Medieval and Renaissance Religion / Ed. Charles Trinkaus and Heiko A. Oberman. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974.

Davis 1982 — Davis N. Z. From 'Popular Religion' to 'Religious Cultures' // Reformation Europe: A Guide to Research / Ed. by S. Ozment. St. Louis, 1982. P. 321-341.

Delooz 1983 — DeloozP. Towards a sociological study of canonized sainthood in the Catholic Church // Wilson St. Saints and their Cults. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1983. P. 189-216.

Dragova 1984 — Dragova N. Zur Gattungstransformation der Vita der Hl Petka von Turnovo des Patriarchen Evtimij in der bulgarischen Literatur des 16.-

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