Информация о авторе Библиотека сайта Журнал Ссылки

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Яхонтов 1881 — Яхонтов И. Жития святых севернорусских подвижников Поморского края как исторический источник. Казань, 1881.

Принятые сокращения


Ammann 1946 — ЛттаппЛ.М. Die Heilige Grossmartyrerin Parasceve zu Gross-Nowgorod: Ein Beitrag// Orientalia Christiana periodica. 1946. Bd. 12. S. 381-387.

Amundsen, Ferngren 1982 — Amundsen D.W., FerngrenG.B. Medicine and Religion: Early Christianity Through the Middle Ages // Health, Medicine and the Faith Traditions / Ed. by M. E. Marty and L. V. Kenneth. Philadelphia, 1982. P. 28-42.

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Andreyev 1962 — Andreyev N. Pagan and Christian Elements in Old Russia // Slavic Review. 1962. Vol. 21. № 1. P. 16-23.

Angusheva-Tihanov 1997 — Angusheva-TihanovA. The Medieval Croatian Apocryphal Tradition in the Context of the Old Slavic Patterns: The Story about the Twelve Fridays// Prvi hrvatski slavisticki kongres. Zbornik radova. Zagreb, 1997. S. 513-519.

Ashley, Sheingorn 1990 — Ashley K., SheingornP., eds. Interpreting Cultural Symbols: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Society. Athens, GA, 1990.

Barber 1988 — Barber P. Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988.

Bell 1989 — Bell, Robert E. Place-Names in Classical Mythology: Greece. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1989.

Benko 1993 — Benko S. The Virgin Goddess: Studies in the Pagan and Christian Roots of Mariology. Leiden, 1993.

Bernshtam 1992 — Bernshtam T.A. Russian Folk Culture and Folk Religion// Russian Traditional Culture / Ed. M. M. Balzer. New York, 1992. P. 34-47.

Bdinski Zbornik 1972 - Bdinski Zbornik: Ghent Slavonic Ms 408 A.D. 1360. Facsimile Edition. London, 1972.

Billington 1970 - BillingtonJ. H. The Icon and the Axe. New York: Vintage Books, 1970. [Рус. пер.: БиллингтонДж.Х. Икона и топор: Опыт истолкования истории русской культуры. М., 2001.]

Boldewskul 1993 — Boldewskul V. Joseph Volotskii's Spiritual World-View Reexamined. M. A. Thesis, Ohio State University, 1993.

Bozoky 1992 — BozokyE. Mythic Mediation in Healing Incantations // Health, Disease, and Healing in Medieval Culture / Ed. S. Campbell, B. Hall, and Klausner. New York, 1992. P. 84-92.

Brooke R. and Brooke Ch. 1984 — Brooke R. and Brooke Ch. Popular Religion in the Middle Ages: Western Europe 1000-1300. London: Thames and Hudson, 1984.

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