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18. Jahrhunderts // Gattungsprobleme der alteren slavischen Literaturen / Herausg. von Wolf-Heinrich Schmidt. Wiesbaden, 1984. S. 189-209.

Duffy 1985 — Duffy J. Byzantine Medicine in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries. Aspects of Teaching and Practice // Symposium on Byzantine Medicine / Ed. by J. Scarborough. Washington, 1985. P. 21-27.

Dunn 1967 — Dunn S. P., Dunn E. The Peasants of Central Russia. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

Durham 1928 — Durham E. L. Some Tribal Origins, Laws and Customs of the Balkans. London, 1928.

Fedotov 1975 — G. P. The Russian Religious Mind. Belmont, Mass.: Nordland, 1975. Vol. I. [Рус. пер.: Федотов Г. П. Собр. соч. Т. 10. Русская религиозность. Ч. 1. Христианство Киевской Руси Х-ХШ вв. М., 2001.]

Finucane 1977 — FinucaneR. С. Miracles and Pilgrims: Popular Beliefs in Medieval England. London, 1977.

Finucane 1995 — FinucaneR. C. Miracles and Pilgrims: Popular Beliefs in Medieval England. New York, 1995.

Fisher 1944 — Fisher R. H. Mangazeia: A Boom Town of Seventeenth Century Siberia// Russian Review. 1944. V. 4. P. 89-99.

Foley 1981 — Foley]. M. Epic and charm in Old English and Serbo-Croatian oral tradition// Comparative criticism. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge UP, 1980. P. 71-92.

Freeze 1990 — Freeze G. L. The Rechristianization of Russia: The Church and Popular Religion, 1750-1850. Helsinki, 1990 (Studia Slavica Finlandensia; T. 7).

Frieden 1978 — FriedenN.M. Child Care: Medical Reform in a Traditionalist Culture //The Family in Imperial Russia / Ed. by D. L. Ransel. Urbana, 1978. P. 218-259.

Frohock 1992 — Frohock F. M. Healing Powers: Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Communities and the State. Chicago, 1992.

Gasparini 1962 — GaspariniE. Studies in Old Slavic Religion: Ubrus // History of Religions. 1962. № 2 (Summer). P. 112-139.

Geary 1978 — Geary P. Furta Sacra: Thefts of Relics in the Central Middle Ages. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978.

Geary 1994 - Geary P. C. Living with the Dead in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, 1994.

Gelis 1984 — GelisJ. LArbre et le Fruit: La naissance dans FOccident moderne (XVIe-XIXe siecle). Fayard, 1984.

Ginzburg 1979 — GinzburgC. Cheese and Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller // Religion and the People, 800-1700 / Ed. James


Принятые сокращения

Obelkovich. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. P. 87-167 [Рус. пер. итал. изд. (Torino, 1976): Гинзбург К. Сыр и черви: Картина мира одного мельника, жившего в XVI в. М., 2000]

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